Shower - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 07/03/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Shower.

5 letter answer(s) to shower

  1. One who exposes to the air.
  1. clean one's body by immersion into water; "The child should bathe every day"
  2. cleanse the entire body; "bathe daily"
  3. suffuse with or as if with light; "The room was bathed in sunlight"
  4. the act of swimming; "the Englishman said he had a good bathe"

4 letter answer(s) to shower

  1. attack and bombard with or as if with missiles; "pelt the speaker with questions"
  2. body covering of a living animal
  3. cast, hurl, or throw repeatedly with some missile; "They pelted each other with snowballs"
  4. rain heavily; "Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
  5. the dressed hairy coat of a mammal
  1. anything happening rapidly or in quick successive; "a rain of bullets"; "a pelting of insults"
  2. drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds
  3. precipitate as rain; "If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding"
  4. water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Shower'

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A pluviometer measures it
Acid ___
Actor in a rumpled mac
Animal hide
Animal skin
Attack, as with eggs
Attack, as with snowballs
Bad weather: hurried to shelter one
Ballgame spoiler
Bill turned up with ambassador to have a swim
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Bombard - animal skin
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Cause of a game cancellat
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Charged admission for one feature of Manchester?
Check or forest?
City earnings initially take a dip
Clean up
Clothes drier
Clothes drying rack
Clothes horse in legionnaire regalia
Clothes horse is more upright with the front part lifted
Clothes-drying frame
Club that chap joined to go swimming
Commodity for John Jacob
Common Seattle forecast
Croatians regularly shower
Desert rarity
Dope accessing superlatively exceptional region under threat
Downpour taking top off sewer
Drier river taking last of water
Drops artist home
Drops down from above
Drops first-class navy trousers
Drops from above
Drops from the sky
Drops Middle Eastern country heading to the right
Drought relief
Drought's lack
Drying rack
Ducks crossing lake hide
Fall in April?
Farmer's prayer
Farmer's prayer, perhaps
Female lost to prettier maiden
Flooding cause
Frame is lighter without fellow on top
Fur trader's fur
Game delayer
Get into hot water?
Go swimming
Gobi rarity
God at home with warmer 21?
Gunners' stylish volley
Have some aspiration, but not about to take to the sea?
Hide in shower
Hit with snowballs, say
Immerse oneself in article by graduate
Immerse oneself in British articles
Indian barter item
It may come in buckets
It may delay things
It often messes tresses
Kind of check
Kitchen item increasingly just overlooked at first
Laundry accessory increasingly just not opening
Little piggies returned holding wolf skin?
Mac user's motivation
Many a Seattle weather fo
Means for controlling weather, say?
Mind missing British weather
More beautiful female ditched a clothes horse
Neanderthal's wear
Network, e.g.
Not be fair?
Now and then Croatians spit, possibly ...
Order tabbouleh twice - in retrospect, somewhat steep
Parade spoiler
Parade spoiler, perhaps
Parade stopper
Pavement pounder
Picnic hamperer
Picnic problem
Picnic spoiler
Picnicker's worry
Pitter-patter maker
Practise heading off downpour
Primitive coat
Queen song first to be requested at the Laundromat?
Raced around island in wet weather
Reason for a delay, perha
Reason for a makeup game
Reason for postponement
Repeatedly throw things at skin
Reservoir filler
Resurgent Australian openers batting - what might stop them?
Run and hide
Run – and hide
Run fast - rain hard
Sahara rarity
Sailor returned before the swim
Seeders make it
Shower with force
Skin – bombard
Skin; race
Some para inevitably drops from sky
Station with a show
Steep climb ending next to empty house
Stone, e.g.
Storm production
Subject of some prayers
Swim and play cricket with the man
Take a dip
Take a soak
Take a swim in city close to seaside
Take to water, about to abandon attempt to take in air
Throw - animal skin
Throw things at
Trapper's prize
Trapper's trophy
Trapper's ware
Trophy, of sorts
TV or radio station
TV station, e.g.
Wash by immersion
Wash oneself
Water is extracted from fruit
Wet forecast
Wet weather
What hailstones do
What may stop play?
With beginnings of asthma, is reaching with hesitation for ventilator
With its arrival, I dashed for cover
Word after "ppd." on a sp
Word repeated before "go
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